Monday, July 19, 2010

Stupid Squash Bug

I grew spaghetti squash in my garden this year. I was sooo excited! I even grew butternut squash too! I love how quickly it grew and how big it got! It was so fulfilling to watch it grow almost on a daily basis. And now.... now that it is midway into the summer.... squash bugs. No one warned me that I could lose everything due to an evil little bug. I don't even know what this dasterdly bug looks like, but I've seen what he can do... and it's not pretty. So now my spaghetti squash looks sickly and I'm going to have to pull it up. I'll save as many squash as I can but I'm still sad. Cut down in it's prime.... my poor little spaghetti squash. And now I'm beginning to worry about my butternut! Surely that evil insect will be content to ruin one plant right?!?! OH no.... poor Butternut! Please stay healthy! Oh the heartaches of gardening!

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