Saturday, July 31, 2010


That would be the word of the afternoon yesterday. At about 3:30 yesterday I crashed. I couldn't do anything but lie down on the couch and sleep... for an hour! Then it took me forever to snap out of a confused fog. I hate it when that happens. That ruins napping for me.

Yesterday went really well regarding my list. Dogs got bathed finally! I love how soft they are and how good they smell after a bath. They behaved so great with our friends last night! Well, after they greeted the first guests. They went a little crazy with them, but then we put on their Halti's and everything was golden.

We played a new game last night called "The game of Things." It was fun! Of course games like that are always more fun once you resort to elementary school thoughts. It was great to have people over at our house again. Sometimes I get stuck in this homebody rut and forget how fun it is to entertain. It was a much enjoyed night of laughter! Even my cucumber salsa (thanks Nicole) went over well!

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