Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Direction

  • Every morning I have my coffee and establish my LIST. You know, the list of things to accomplish for that day. I don't know if it's the coffee talking or my Morning Optimism but my list never quite gets done... ok, rarely gets completely done.

For instance, Today's List:
  • Spend some quality time with God - check
  • Read book for study @ 7:45 - check
  • Do P90-X workout - half check (still have to do abs)
  • Report and pay sales tax for this quarter
  • Meet with clients (11:15, 12:30, 4:30)
  • Take tomatoes to client
  • Water garden and plants - half check
  • Pick pictures to enter for KS state fair
  • Unpack from this weekend
  • Put away laundry
  • Talk to pastor about service ideas
  • Vacuum
  • Bathe dogs
  • Make dinner
Looking at it I'm thinking.... NO way that can all happen. So I will probably get overwhelmed at about 1:00 and lay on the couch and watch the Dick Van Dyke show (thank you Netflix). Then I will talk myself out of doing any other work until 5 when I feel like I have to get dinner together. This is where you come in! Yes, I'm talking to you.

You are my accountability. I'm going to tell you what I'd like to do in a day and once I get to the end I'll let you know how it went. At least that's the plan right now. Feel free to send me loving notes if I'm slacking.... loving notes.

So here goes my social experiment! See you tonight!


  1. Ok, so you're probably meeting with your clients right now. But how are you doing so far?! Finalize your service ideas in your head while doing your ab workout....if you still have time, pick a recipe you'll make for dinner. Keep truckin', girl!! :)

  2. Well coming to talk to a pastor means you will have, i mean get, to see me. So make sure you do that one!
