Friday, April 8, 2011

The Nursery

Drum Roll Please.....

View from the door. Glowing ball is a paper lantern.

View from the crib.  

View from the green dresser, obviously the stroller will probably not be there.

The crib.  We've got the night light turtle and lion blankey.
It's very basic but I really like how it came together!  We didn't have to paint anything except for the shelves and the dresser and Grandma R. re-stained and polyurethaned the windows (they were really beat up).  Thank you to everyone who helped us by donating things or giving gifts!  We couldn't have done this without your generosity.


  1. Love it especially the green dresser and the bookshelves! I can't wait to see pictures of the little guy...I'm sure you can't wait to take pictures of the little guy :) Praying for a safe and fast delivery!

  2. You did good Tress! Can't wait to meet him!

  3. HEY! Looks great. OK Lil' Web, your room is allllll ready! Come out and play! :)
