Thursday, April 21, 2011

He's Here!!!

This post is a little late getting out but Lil' Web is here and his name is Clark Ryne Weber!  He was born April 11, 2011 weighing 8 lbs. 3 oz and was 21.75 inches long.  He is named Clark after one of the 3 roads surrounding Wrigley Field in Chicago and Ryne after Ryne Sandberg a 2nd base hall of famer for the Chicago Cubs and is pronounced like Ryan.

He is now 10 days old and is the most precious little boy ever.  He never cries unless I take way too long to feed him or give him a bath.  He sleeps very well through the night and usually only wakes up once to be fed.  He nurses like a champ and at his 2 day check up had gained 5 oz.
On our way to the 2 day check up

I finally get to live out my life long dream of being a wife and mom and it is even more wonderful than I thought it would be!
The first time I got to see my baby boy.  One of the most treasured moments of my life.

He was breach with his feet up by his head, thus his position.

Love the cheeks, the nose, the fingers, the lips, the eyes....  everything!

Long feet!

He's my frog baby.

The day we left the hospital!  Our first family pic.

An odd way to sleep

I love that face!

True John Deere Baby
Clark and his proud Dad


  1. Tressa,
    I am so happy for you guys!! He is so beautiful! You guys are so blessed! We love you and miss you and will keep you guys in our prayers as you navigate this thing called MOMMY! :)

  2. I love him. And I'm planning on holding him lots until I leave!

  3. yay yay yay! so happy for y'all. oh, it's so fun! i know i keep saying this, but i CAN'T wait to meet him.

  4. Congratulations Tressa.. but I'm very jealous that he's only waking up once in the middle of the night. My son is 6 weeks and still wakes up at least twice. You lucked out there!

  5. So happy for you all. He is adorable and sounds like such a good baby! We are planning on coming in July so I am reserving some snuggle time with the little guy then!! Love you guys!

  6. Babies are SUCH a miracle from God and proof that He is in all the details. Love you guys and so happy he is here safe and sound...and that you're a MOMMY and can join us for coffee dates with lil' man in tow! :)
