Friday, September 10, 2010

An award winning day

Today was the first day of the state fair!!! It was a disgustingly hot day... I mean, just sweltering. I watched some of the Draft Horse competition with mom, watched some swine showmanship stuff (decided that floppy ear pigs are actually pretty darn cute), went and checked on my photos, had a Pronto Pup, ran into many friends and toured the grounds a little. As the afternoon/evening progressed it turned into a beautiful night! Huge thunderheads to the east and south lit up from the sunset and resonating with lightning. Gorgeous!!!

And since I know you're wondering... or hope you are..... 3 of my 5 prints won awards!!! I won 1st place in one category and 2nd place in two categories. I will leave it to you to go see which got what! This is my first 1st place print. I am very excited!

and very tired right now.... so I bid you ado.

Happy 1st day of the state fair!


  1. Congratulations on your wins at the Fair! *woot* It's such fun to enter. I won many years ago on a photo print I'd done of my son when he was 2 yrs old... he's now almost 28. LOL! Looked through your photog site... your work is wonderful!

    Can't remember how I got to your blog... you know how that can happen, clicking from one blog to the next. Well, ended up here and found out we're "neighbors"... cool! Hubby and I were born and raised in Hutch... lived there until 1992/3... but always in Kansas in spite of a few moves.

    Anyway, new follower... and added you to my blog list on my site. ♥

  2. Congrats Tress! I'm so happy for you! It was so fun to see you last night. I wish I wouldn't have been such a dud, but really, sitting and doing nothing last night for 3 hours felt relaxing.

  3. Congrats on your awards! The Conkling clan will for sure check out your pics when we make our way to the Fair on Monday. Missed you Thursday night during small group - but see you tomorrow at church!

  4. Hey girl! That is SO great about your prints! I wish I was there to see them in person and walk around the fair with you. Hope we can have a phone date soon so I can hear more about Lil' Web. :) Herbs is doing great. :)
    Love you dear heart and miss you!
