Sunday, February 27, 2011

Harvest Gold

Harvest Gold could describe a Kansas landscape of wheat illuminated by the rising sun..... or it could describe our kitchen floor.

Good old 70's linoleum.  Since the day we bought this house -July 2, 2007- we have vowed to get rid of this floor.  Finally, 3.5 years later, we've done something!  
We knew that before we could lay down any new floor we would need to pull up the linoleum.  How did we know?  1) There were holes in the linoleum that showed us that there was additional flooring beneath it and 2) Our dishwasher leaked and we knew there was moisture under the linoleum because of those holes.
See the hole right in the middle?

1st strip comes up!

I'm so excited!  But it smells sooo bad!  See the water stains?

After pulling and working at the seams with a flat iron we got most of it taken care of.  The work crew (my mom and Aaron's uncle and some friends) were coming the next day to finish the stripping and start the installation.  The next time I saw the kitchen, there was a vast improvement!

Installation took 2 days.  As you can see we ripped out some of the carpet by the front door to make a little entry area.  We didn't get the transition pieces for that area until that weekend.  It's all in now and looks wonderful!
Jazz really wore herself out helping.

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