Thursday, January 27, 2011

First Trial

Since I have a sinus infection my doctor prescribed a homemade sinus rinse administered with a bulb syringe. My first thought, "If you told me this 2 months from now, I'd actually have one of those." So I went out and bought a bulb syringe knowing that within 2 months I will probably have another one or two.

Once home, I got the syringe out and found that a certain canine was incredibly interested.
She sat there as long as I was in the bathroom, looking at me, looking at the syringe and back and forth. This morning she sat outside the bathroom looking in.

We might be in more trouble than I thought with baby items...


  1. Hey, at least she's just looking and not touching/chewing.

  2. You could also get a netti pot at the health food store. Add warm water and a good salt... it'll clean out your sinus passages.

  3. Ha. :) I love it. Jazzer. What a goofy dog. :)

  4. Rashel, I've got a netti pot! That's what I've ended up using because the whole bulb thing was not getting the job done!
