Monday, May 10, 2010

A New Era

I've never really understood blogging... (who has the time?)
until today.

A beautiful revelation came from reading an old college friend's blog post today (thank you, Kacia).

I do have stories and I do have time. So... here comes the new era. It could be dangerous with my random thinkings flying around, but bear with me. I think it'll be good.

*My blog title stems from a comment I made yesterday as I was walking out to my car after a wonderful Mothers' Day celebration. "It sure is windy in paradise." It was true, it was windy, but it's always windy in Kansas. The weird part was paradise. I never thought I'd live in Kansas, I even told God I wouldn't (that didn't work). But this flat land where I live in a wonderful home with a more than wonderful husband around loving family in a beyond-words church family is paradise. As unlikely as it may be.*

So, I think I'm excited to venture into this era of blogging :)


  1. It's official cuz I've added you to my list! Welcome to the blogging world. I've been doing it for 2 years...yikes! Hope you like it as much as I do!
