I love coffee. I worked in a Gloria Jeans franchise when I was in high school and I remember the first time I walked in there to pick up an application with my friend; the smell about knocked the wind out of me. We got the jobs and I believe I became addicted to that smell. My coffee taste has matured through the years from creamy drinks with just the tiniest bit of coffee to a rich, black elixir.
As I age, I notice coffee having a stronger effect on me. It makes me feel invincible and able to achieve anything. In my most caffeinated states I have considered: writing a childrens' book, going back to school, starting my own business, writing a world-changing letter to the president, becoming super organized (haha), being a super-blogger and probably a host of other dreams that drained away once the coffee did.
Today, I type. My son got tubes put in his ears this am. The only reason I mention that is because that is the event that necessitated my large coffee with 2 creams. He is peacefully sleeping. I am not. I am mulling over the world-changing ideas that my large beverage has ignited.
As I sipped my coffee, I watched "The Voice"; which I missed last night due to getting baby boy bathed and to bed in preparation for today. I am a huge fan of this show. I love listening to these incredibly gifted musicians and I get goosebumps when they sing. However, my heart breaks for some of the contestants who have placed every hope they have in being discovered. If only they could see how much God values them. If only they could see past this finite world and see the value of God's love.
I am so grateful that God has chosen to open my eyes to His love. I am so grateful that God has placed me in a church that teaches His Word and challenges me to follow the call of Christ to live for the glory of God. I can't fathom who I would be without the hope that I have in Jesus.
This is not at all where I was planning to go with this post, but that is another effect of caffeine on me, I get a little spazzy with my thoughts; or maybe God put this in my heart. I would put money on the latter. Because I know that my God is in control of everything that happens. He is all-powerful and has a purpose for every event, whether tragic or wonderful. God knows what He's doing and I'm glad to be a part of it, and even more glad that I'm not in control of it!
"Praise Him from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
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