Monday, June 20, 2011

St. Louis

Our dear friends moved away to St. Louis a couple weeks ago.  My mom and I went out to visit Heather while Richard came back to work for a week.  

Photo shoot of Clark, Ransom got a little jealous of all the attention Clark got.

Clark loved seeing Aunt Heather again!

And he really liked rolling around St. Louis in his stroller

My mom with Clark during another Clark photo shoot

Further Clark photo shooting

Clark couldn't get enough cuddle time with Aunt Heather.  She was not so excited with his booger problem though.

Ransom felt he was entitled to at least one dirty diaper 

Clark got just a little worn out
Their home in St. Louis

Clark's view for the long car ride

Beautiful corner in ... a cute suburb I can't remember the name of!

Yay Aunt Heather!  We did miss Uncle Richard though.

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