Friday, December 30, 2011

Weber Family Update

As I sit writing Christmas cards I'm wondering why I didn't include an update in them,  but half are already out so it's too late.  Hopefully, people find this.

It has been a very full year! I guess the biggest difference between last year this time and this year is that I'm not pregnant.  God blessed us with our beautiful baby boy in April.  Clark Ryne Weber was brought into this world by an unexpected c-section on April 11th at 6:06 pm.  My sweet boy decided to turn breach the day before he was due.  We went into the hospital that afternoon to see if the doctor could externally turn him but Clark was determined to stay breach so we pulled him out.  What a blessing it has been to watch our baby boy grow and develop these last 8 months.  He's consistently been in the 95th percentile for weight and the 75th for height.  He is a very social little boy who loves to perform.  The last couple months we've been fighting ear infections and colds but I think we are on the up and up now.  He's been such a trooper.  
Dipping toes in the Pacific
He's been quite the traveler as well!  He took his first road trip when he was 2 months old.  Clark, my mom and I drove to St. Louis to visit our dear friend Heather who had moved a month before.  He had his first experience at a zoo on that trip as well!  Later, in July Aaron, Clark and I flew with Aaron's parents out to Oregon for a family reunion.  Clark did amazing on the planes, although we had an epic blowout at our layover on our way out.  It was quite the experience; for those who understand this, it was a 20+ wipe ordeal. Clark dipped his toes in the Pacific Ocean, and although it was frigid he didn't fuss at all! Clark took his second road trip up to Illinois to celebrate Aaron's grandparents' 60th Anniversary in September, 13 hours and he did great!  
Clark's favorite activites are swinging on the porch swing, watching cars drive by, pulling himself up on everything including Jazz, eating, singing songs with mom, bouncing and making noises by hitting his toys on different things.  He's babbling saying "bah bah bah" when he's really happy and making motor boat noises to amuse himself.
Aaron is still working at Prairieland John Deere, now he's in the parts department and kind of a stand in IT guy.  He plays softball all spring, summer and fall and in currently playing basketball in a couple different leagues.  We're both playing volleyball in a church league and Clark is the best cheerleader ever!  His grandpa Dan died this year at 95 years of age.  Grandpa was so ready to go meet Jesus, he spent about 10 days in hospice and went very peacefully.  
2nd Place Photo
I had a very uncomfortable last month of pregnancy and am much preferring to have Clark here!  I quit my job at the elementary school and have just been doing some training at the YMCA here in town.  I have also begun to watch our friends' little boy 3 days a week who is 2 months older than Clark.  I had a photograph win 2nd place at the state fair again this year.  My Uncle Dale passed away this spring before Clark was born.  I was able to go out to California to be with family along with my mom and dad.  It was a great blessing to be with them. It has been hard adjusting to his absence even though we live far away.
We are going to begin working with the youth group at our church at the start of the new year, so that will be a new front for us.  We've both worked with youth individually before but never as a couple. We love our church and have been so blessed and challenged by the teaching. We are very much enjoying having both of the grandparents living nearby.  It has been very helpful for babysitting!  
As a side note, Clark was a sumo wrestler for halloween.  My mom made his costume and it was amazing!
Well, I believe that sums up this year....   I hope God has blessed you as much as he has blessed us.  He is so great.  Looking back at this year really challenges me to trust God and know that He is in control, and I am so glad that He is. What a great and loving God we serve.  I can't wait to see what He's got for this next year.  
disregard the "m" :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I just suddenly started missing my grandparents a lot.  I made molasses cookies yesterday which come to find out were my grandparents' favorite cookies to eat with their coffee.  So I'm eating them with my coffee this am, and suddenly I am very melancholy.  So here's to Grandma and Grandpa.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

6 Months

My baby boy is 6 months old.  The time has flown by.  He's cuter every day and it's amazing to watch him learn.  I am overwhelmed with how blessed we are.  God is so good!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My apologies

I have been reprimanded recently for not posting more photos of sweet Clark.  So, enjoy :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

St. Louis

Our dear friends moved away to St. Louis a couple weeks ago.  My mom and I went out to visit Heather while Richard came back to work for a week.  

Photo shoot of Clark, Ransom got a little jealous of all the attention Clark got.

Clark loved seeing Aunt Heather again!

And he really liked rolling around St. Louis in his stroller

My mom with Clark during another Clark photo shoot

Further Clark photo shooting

Clark couldn't get enough cuddle time with Aunt Heather.  She was not so excited with his booger problem though.

Ransom felt he was entitled to at least one dirty diaper 

Clark got just a little worn out
Their home in St. Louis

Clark's view for the long car ride

Beautiful corner in ... a cute suburb I can't remember the name of!

Yay Aunt Heather!  We did miss Uncle Richard though.

Our Big Boy

Clark went in for his 2 month check up this past week!  I can't hardly believe my little boy is 10 weeks old already!  Our little chunker did great at his check up weighing in at 15 lbs even and measuring 24 inches tall.  So he's in the 95th percentile for weight and 75th for height.  He is our BIG boy!  He also got 3 shots, poor guy!  But he did great!  He cried when she gave him the shots but settled down after a couple minutes of snuggling and then slept the rest of the day away.  What a good boy!!!  We are so proud of him!

I took this so you could see his 2 band-aids on his left leg and the 1 on his right.  What a trooper!

Look at that cutie!!!  He's storing at least 1lb in those cheeks! 
His big boy band-aid

Saturday, June 11, 2011

2 months

It's hard to believe I've been a mom for 2 months.  Somehow it seems that Clark has been part of my life longer than that and seems like he just got here.  I'm not sure how that works.... but I guess it does. I'm amazed over and over again how much love I feel for this baby boy.  His sweet smiles that he shares with me and the giggles that I coax out of him make me happier than I could've imagined.  This has given me just a peek into God's love for me.  What a wonderful blessing.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Little snip-its

I really thought I'd post more once Clark came... turns out that time just seems to slip away.  Here's a video update :)  Enjoy!  We are at 8 weeks and smiling, laughing and "talking"!  Can't believe how much we love him!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It is crazy to think that Clark is one month old.  This month has flown by and I am terrified of how fast the next 21 years are going to go.  One month ago today I went to the doctor for my routine appointment and found out dear Clark had turned breach.  We went in that day to see if Dr. could externally evert him, and since he couldn't Clark came via C-section at 6:06 pm.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

He's Here!!!

This post is a little late getting out but Lil' Web is here and his name is Clark Ryne Weber!  He was born April 11, 2011 weighing 8 lbs. 3 oz and was 21.75 inches long.  He is named Clark after one of the 3 roads surrounding Wrigley Field in Chicago and Ryne after Ryne Sandberg a 2nd base hall of famer for the Chicago Cubs and is pronounced like Ryan.

He is now 10 days old and is the most precious little boy ever.  He never cries unless I take way too long to feed him or give him a bath.  He sleeps very well through the night and usually only wakes up once to be fed.  He nurses like a champ and at his 2 day check up had gained 5 oz.
On our way to the 2 day check up

I finally get to live out my life long dream of being a wife and mom and it is even more wonderful than I thought it would be!
The first time I got to see my baby boy.  One of the most treasured moments of my life.

He was breach with his feet up by his head, thus his position.

Love the cheeks, the nose, the fingers, the lips, the eyes....  everything!

Long feet!

He's my frog baby.

The day we left the hospital!  Our first family pic.

An odd way to sleep

I love that face!

True John Deere Baby
Clark and his proud Dad